
MEDPACs Agenda

OON Billing/Surprise Billing

MCEP supports protecting patients from high cost surprise medical bills and keeping them out of the middle of reimbursement disputes between clinicians and insurance
companies. Read more here..


Reimbursement, liability issues, violence in the ED, as well as other issues can be brought to the attention of policy makers to support Emergency Medicine and its practitioners in the State of Michigan. Your dollars will have a real impact.

House Bill 4459

On September 30, 2020, the Michigan Senate voted to pass Surprise Billing legislation (House Bills 4459, 4460, 4990, and 4991). These bills were concurred by the House of Representatives last week. The MCEP Executive Committee delivered a letter of concern and opposition to the Governor and asked if she chose to sign this legislation, that the Department of Insurance and Financial Services (DIFS) be asked to monitor these changes for any adverse impact on physicians in Michigan. Read More..

Emergency Department Assaults

The Michigan House Law and Justice Committee, chaired by Rep. Klint Kesto (R-Commerce Twp.), heard testimony October 2, 2018 on House Bills 6203 and 6204, from Dr. Michael Gratson, MD, FACEP, and MCEP Executive Director, Belinda Chandler, in support of these bills introduced by Rep. Hank Vaupel (R- Handy Twp.) These bills would amend the Michigan Penal Code to provide additional protections for health professionals and medical volunteers while they are delivering patient care. Read More...

Opioid Crisis

MCEP has been monitoring and following legislative proposals pertaining to the epidemic griping our state in recent years. MCEP was invited to testify at the House Health Policy Committee on Wednesday, April 19, 2017. This day coincided with the College’s Leadership Development Program Day in Lansing event. There were eight cohorts of the LDP class in attendance for the day and they witnessed first hand Dr. Rami Khoury, Dr. Jake Manteuffel, and Dr. Melissa Barton speak before the committee. Read More...

In the political process, money speaks. It speaks volume and it speaks loudly. Political lobbying and campaign contributions are an essential way for constituent groups to have an impact on the political process. As Michigan’s Emergency Physicians, we are uniquely suited to speak for patients requiring emergency care in the state. Our position gives us credibility with both the public and the legislature. We are the doctors who are always there to treat all regardless of disease process, severity of illness, insurance, or ability to pay. But this is not enough.

Meet Our Team

Diana Nordlund, DO, JD, FACEP

Legislative Chair

Current MCEP Immediate Past President

News Updates

Corporate Practice of Medicine

MCEP signed onto a letter spearheaded by the Michigan State Medical Society (MSMS) sent to Dana Nessel, Michigan’s Attorney General, along with Michigan’s societies of dermatologic surgery, orthopedics, radiology, hematology/oncology, and anesthesia, to investigate violations Read more…

MI EMS Vehicle Code

Emergency physicians with EMS leadership roles such as Medical Control Authority Medical Directors are very active in Michigan. Physicians now respond to emergencies along with police, fire, and EMS crews, and this has drastically improved Read more…

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Fri: 8:00-11:30am

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